Euro Tour 2021 Prague Paddle Fest

Mezinárodní závod světové paddleboardové série Euro Tour hostí jako jednu z 12 zastávek i Česká republika. Euro Tour se vrátilo do Prahy již po druhé, tentokrát jako Grand Slam závod s celkovým rozdávaným prize money 12.500 EUR.
Závod pořádalo VSM Production, s. r. o. a Česká Federace Stand Up Paddle ve spolupráci se Snowboardel.


Prague Paddle Fest, a race of the European Tour of Stand Up Paddleboarding held in the center of Prague, August 28, 2021.
Prague Paddle Fest, a race of the European Tour of Stand Up Paddleboarding held in the center of Prague, August 28, 2021.
Prague Paddle Fest, a race of the European Tour of Stand Up Paddleboarding held in the center of Prague, August 28, 2021.
Prague Paddle Fest, a race of the European Tour of Stand Up Paddleboarding held in the center of Prague, August 28, 2021.
Prague Paddle Fest, a race of the European Tour of Stand Up Paddleboarding held in the center of Prague, August 28, 2021.